‘Paying Attention’, a podcast series that explores how new forms of payment are changing our society

publish date
20 March 2023
Contactless, online or mobile: it’s hard to imagine our everyday lives without these new forms of payments. Over the four episodes of our podcast series ‘Paying Attention’ / ‘Un conseil, ça paie’, you’ll get to hear from various angles about how the new payment methods are changing our society.

Scan for Change: win a promotion campaign for your charity

publish date
1 March 2023
To celebrate the launch of the new Payconiq solution tailor-made for charities called "Scan & Donate", Bancontact Payconiq Company is introducing the "Scan for Change" contest. Through this competition, we want to give charities a helping hand in their donation campaigns by offering them the chance to win advertising space via JCDecaux.

Payments with Bancontact and Payconiq increase by 54.5% in five years

publish date
8 February 2023
Belgians pulled out their bank card or smartphone almost 2.3 billion times in 2022 to pay with Bancontact or Payconiq. Over a period of five years, that’s an impressive increase of 54.5%. And over a ten-year period, payments with Bancontact and Payconiq have increased from 1 billion to 2.3 billion.

For the first time ever, the number of Bancontact and Payconiq electronic payments made in a calendar year exceeds the 2 billion mark

publish date
28 November 2022
The last week of November saw the 2 billionth electronic payment carried out this year using one of Bancontact Payconiq Company’s methods of payment. The company has never before exceeded the 2 billion mark for electronic payments in the same year. This figure illustrates the fact that an ever increasing numbers of Belgians are making the switch from cash to mobile and card payments. It also shows that payment solutions offered by a local player can be very successful on the Belgian market.

Podcast episode 3: What do frictionless payments mean and how does it work?

publish date
21 October 2022
Ordering food online and paying electronically with only one click. Often you can do this without even a card or card reader, that you never have at hand. It makes paying very easy. In episode 3 of the podcast series Paying Attention / Un conseil, ça paie, digital experts Dado Van Peteghem and Cédric Cauderlier discuss four examples of 'frictionless payments'.